Locations and Partners of trust

Suitable Locations and partners for creative productions

A successful event requires the perfect interplay of all partners. As catering experts, Pentola D’Argento takes care of the organisation, from the ideal location and qualified staff to the exquisite tabletop set-up. Pentola D’Argento Catering works flexibly with partners to make events smooth and unforgettable. Thanks to his connections as a renowned event caterer, Marco Tridici finds the perfect location, whether unconventional or open-air.

During your event, Pentola D’Argento will do everything it can to intensify the experience and turn anticipation, happiness hormones and adrenalin into an unforgettable moment. We are also happy to provide recommendations for florists or photographers.


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Besuche uns an der Hochzeitsmesse Zürich

6. & 7. Januar 2024
10.00 – 18.00 Uhr

Halle 4
Stand 4.039

Messe Schweiz Zürich
Wallisellenstrasse 49
8020 Zürich